Childrens Art Competition 2020
The Hampstead Summer Festival Committee aim, as ever, is to support our community by keeping engaged with you and creating opportunities for coming together to celebrate the ever evolving cultural community that Camden is.
During the pandemic the aim of the committee is to continue providing a creative outlet, the Childrens Yearly Art Competition will not be stopped by the virus! We have continued to engage with local Hampstead schools to invite children to take part in an online Gallery based art competition, designed to encourage creative participation which can be shared with everyone.
It has been so popular that over 110 children’s work has been uploaded onto the Gallery page.
Well done to everyone that took part, a range of prizes will be awarded and a celebration at Keats Community Library Tea Party in late August will be announced with a physical display of awarded work on show.
Many thanks to Anne Ward, Art Fair Day Founder, who pioneered and continues to drive the yearly Childrens At Competition.
Hampstead School of Art is proud to support Anne and the Hampstead Summer Festival Committee in their work.
We look forward to next year being a return to the historic physical event we all love.
Group 1 Prizes (Years 1 and 2)
1st Prize: Idris Lloyd (Hereward House)
2nd Prizes: Benedict Cutress (Hereward House)
Inaya Meghji (Sarum Hall)
Highly Commended: Cyra Devlin (St Mary’s)
Group 2 Prizes (Years 3-5)
1st Prize: Lucia Franco (Trevor Roberts)
2nd Prizes: Simona Popp (St Marys)
Jamie Koch (Hereward House)
Highly Commended: Sam Hutchinson (Hereward House)
Anelia Limon (Sarum Hall)
Annabelle, Year 3 (St Margarets)
Group 3 Prizes (Year 6)
1st Prize: Aryana Patel-Sharma (Sarum Hall)
2nd Prizes: Elliott Robinson (Trevor Roberts)
Sofia, Year 6 (St Margarets)
Group 4 Prizes (Year 7 and over)
1st Prize: Oliver Flint (Trevor Roberts)
2nd Prizes: Leila, Year 9 (St Margarets)
Edward Anstee (Hereward House)
Special Prizes
Creativity Prize: Layla Guivarch, Year 2 (Trevor Roberts)
Inspiration Prize: Sienna de Freitas, Year 3 (Trevor Roberts)
Colour Prize: Leila, Year 3 (St Margarets)
Hereward House School

Sarum Hall

St Margaret’s

St Mary’s

Trevor Roberts

We appreciate the support of Camden Council Events Team.
Thanks also to Cass Art.
We look forward to working with The City of London next year whose support is invaluable.